beloved Estonia after our six-day official visit,
we like to thank God who granted us this blessed experience
to get acquainted with so many of our brothers in
love and esteem.
With all our heart we thank Their Excellencies, President
of the Republic of Estonia and the Prime Minister
together with all the authorities for the invitation,
for their great hospitality, manifold help, honoring
speeches and generally, for all the love and esteem
with which we were surrounded. We also like to thank
all the other Christian Churches in Estonia for their
brotherly love towards the Estonian Orthodox Church.
We are happy and content for the progress the Estonian
people has made in such a short time from regaining
its independence, and also for the progress the Estonian
Orthodox Church has made. From all our heart we hope
that both can continue their upwards way unhindered.
A basic condition for both common and other progress
is faith in Jesus Christ and His Church and following
the evangelic virtues. Without faith and hope even
the best intentions fail. Although economic, technical,
organizational, scientific and other progress is attained,
there is no true happiness and joy for people, because
the answers to deeper existential questions are lacking
and the void in the souls is filled with nothing.
So, much evil arises both on personal and communal
level, and all this witnesses to a spiritual dead-end.
We hope, that the Estonian Orthodox Church, which
is small in numbers but rich in traditions, can contribute
to the spiritual development of the whole society.
The Church is ready for that and makes all in her
powers under the inspired pastoral leadership of the
most worthy Metropolitan of Tallinn and All Estonia
So, with all our heart we bless paternally and Patriarchally
the beloved Estonian people and wish that its beautiful
perspectives for a bright future will come true, among
them its quick reception into the European Union.
Let all this be accomplished by the power of God,
whose grace and rich mercy be with you all, my dears.
We greet all of you, we thank and bless all of you.
Let the Estonian swallows bring here always the spring
messages of joy and hope, peace and goodwill.
And let the Mother of God, Mary, always protect and
guard her blessed land, the land of Estonia. Amen.

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