do you seek the living with the dead?
Why do you mourn the incorruptible as though he were in corruption?’
(Paschal matins)
holy Pascha has come at last and God is again ordering the light
to be and to shine in darkness. That is why the joyful exclamation:
‘Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!’ sounds so mightily. The
tidings of resurrection are tidings of light for the world.
Darkness is overcome, even if it is still mighty in the world
up to this day. ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness
did not comprehend it’, as we read in the Gospel of St John.
In joy or in pain, in public or alone, the presence of Christ
gives us fortitude. Faith in Him fills us with joy. His life
touches the eternal in us: the unique mystery of human person.
To live in this day means to experience the Love, who is our
God. It means to receive a revelation that every minute of our
life has a meaning only if His life and His love is animating
His Kingdom comes in all its might, light and victory every
time we let it out the walls in which we have kept it, be it
the walls of our churches or the tombs our bodies, thoughts
and feelings, in which we have hemmed it, thinking it belongs
only to us. The secret place of heart where Jesus lives knows
no limits. It encloses the whole world in the width and depth
of the love of Our Lord.
‘Do not be alarmed’, tells the angel to the three women, ‘you
seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is
not here.’ (Mark 16:6). Such are the wonders that the divine
service of Pascha tells us. Let our hearts hear it.
us congratulate you upon the feast of the bright Resurrection.
+ Stephanos,
Metropolitan of Tallinn and All Estonia
+Elias, Bishop of Tartu
+Alexander, Bishop of Pärnu-Saare
Tallinn, the Feast of Resurrection 2009
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