OF NYSSA: Life of Macrina
A ] The form of this volume, if one may judge from
its heading, is apparently epistolary, but its bulk
exceeds that of a letter, extending as it does to
the length of a book. My apology must be that the
subject on which you bade me write is greater than
can be compressed within the limits of a letter.
I am sure you do not forget our meeting, when, on
my way to Jerusalem in pursuance of a vow, in order
to see the relics of the Lord's sojourning in the
flesh on the actual spots. [note: Reading [Greek:
en tois topois] Migne has [Greek: en tois tupois]
"in their impressions." The intention was
not fulfilled until a year or two later, after his
visit to the Church of Babylon.] I ran across you
in the city of Antioch; and you must remember all
the different talks we enjoyed, for it was not likely
that our meeting would be a silent one, when your
wit provided so many subjects for conversation. As
often happens at such times, the [960 B] talk flowed
on until we came to discuss the life of some famous
person. In this case it was a woman who provided us
with our subject ; if indeed she should be styled
woman' for I do not know whether it is fitting to
designate her by her sex, who so surpassed her sex.
Our account of her was not based on the narrative
of others' but our talk was an accurate description
of what we had learned by personal experience nor
did it need to be authenticated by strangers. Nor
even was the virgin referred to unknown to our family
circle' to make it necessary to learn the wonders
of her life through others, but she came from the
same parents as ourselves' being' so to speak 'an
offering of firstfruits' since she was the earliest
born of my mother's womb. As then you have decided
that the story of her noble career is worth telling'
to prevent such a life being unknown to our time,
and the record of a woman who raised [960 C] herself
by " philosophy '' [note: ' The use of the word
" philosophy " to designate Christianity
is common in the writings of the fourth century, and
may perhaps be traced back to Origen's synthesis of
the Gospel and philosophy. It is employed in a twofold
sense, of the Christian religion generally and of
asceticism in particular. Cf. Greg. Naz., Or., VII,
9 (describing the asceticism of his brother Cæsarius):
" As philosophy is the greatest, so is it the
most difficult, of professions, which can be taken
in hand by but few, and only by those who have been
called forth by the divine magnanimity." See
a careful note in Boulenger, Gregoire de Nazianze,
Discours funèbres (Paris, 1908), p. lvi.] to
the greatest height of human virtue passing into the
shades of useless oblivion, I thought it well to obey
you' and in a few words, as best I can' to tell her
story in unstudied and simple style.
The virgin's name was Macrina; she was so called by
her parents after a famous Macrina some time before
in the family' our father's mother' who had confessed
Christ [962 A] like a good athlete in the time of
the persecutions. This indeed was her name to the
outside world' the one used by her friends. But another
name had been given her privately' as the result of
a vision before she was born into the world. For indeed
her mother was so virtuous that she was guided on
all occasions by the divine will. In particular she
loved the pure and unstained mode of life so much
that she was unwilling to be married. But since she
had lost both her parents, and was in the very flower
of her youthful beauty, and the fame of her good looks
was attracting many suitors, and there was a danger
that, if she were not mated to some one willingly,
she might suffer some [962 B] unwished for violent
fate' seeing that some men' inflamed by her beauty'
were ready to abduct her-on this account she chose
for her husband a man who was known and approved for
the gravity of his conduct' and so gained a protector
of her life.
At her first confinement she became the mother of
Macrina. When the due time came for her pangs to be
ended by delivery' she fell asleep and seemed to be
carrying in her hands that which was still in her
womb. And some one in form and raiment more splendid
than a human being appeared and addressed the child
she was carrying by the name of Thecla, that Thecla,
I mean, who is so famous among the virgins. [note:
Thecla was a contemporary of St. Paul, according to
the Acts of Paul and Thecla, which may well have been
founded on fact. See article " Thecla "
in Dictionary of Christian Biography, and the chapter
on Thecla in Sir W. M. Ramsay's Church in the Roman
Empire. ] After doing this and testifying to it three
times, he departed from her sight and gave her easy
delivery, so that at that moment she awoke from sleep
and saw her dream realised. Now this name was used
only in secret. But it [962 C] seems to me that the
apparition spoke not so much to guide the mother to
a right choice of name' as to forecast the life of
the young child' and to indicate by the name that
she would follow her namesake's mode of life.
Well, the child was reared. Although she had her own
nurse, yet as a rule her mother did the nursing with
her own hands. After passing the stage of infancy,
she showed herself apt in acquiring childish accomplishments'
and her natural powers were shown in every study to
which her parents' judgment directed her. The education
of the child was her mother's task ; she did not'
however, employ the usual worldly method of education,
which makes a practice of using poetry as a [962 D]
means of training the early years of the child. For
she considered it disgraceful and quite unsuitable,
that a tender and plastic nature should be taught
either those tragic passions of womanhood which afforded
poets their suggestions and plots, or the indecencies
of comedy' to be' so to speak, defiled with unseemly
tales of " the harem." [note: [Greek: tois
asemnoterois tOn gunaikeiOn diEgEmasin]] But such
parts of inspired Scripture as you would think were
incomprehensible to young children were the subject
of the girl's studies ; in particular the Wisdom of
Solomon, and those parts of it especially which have
an ethical bearing. Nor was she ignorant of any part
of the Psalter' but at stated times she recited every
part of it. When she rose from bed, or engaged in
household duties' or rested, [964 A] or partook of
food' or retired from table, when she went to bed
or rose in the night for prayer, the Psalter was her
constant companion, like a good fellowtraveller that
never deserted her.
Filling her time with these and the like occupations,
and attaining besides a considerable proficiency in
woolwork, the growing girl reached her twelfth year,
the age when the bloom of adolescence begins to appear.
In which connection it is noteworthy that the girl's
beauty could not be concealed in spite of efforts
to hide it. Nor in all the countryside, so it seems,
was there anything so marvellous as her beauty in
comparison with that of others. So fair was she that
even painters' hands could not do justice to her [964
B] comeliness; the art that contrives all things and
essays the greatest tasks, so as even to model in
imitation the figures of the heavenly bodies, could
not accurately reproduce the loveliness of her form.
In consequence a great swarm of suitors seeking her
in marriage crowded round her parents. But her father
- a shrewd man with a reputation for forming right
decisions-picked out from the rest a young man related
to the family, who was just leaving school, of good
birth and remarkable steadiness, and decided to betroth
his daughter to him, as soon as she was old enough.
Meantime he aroused great hopes, and he offered to
his future fatherinlaw his fame in public speaking'
as it were one of the bridegroom's gifts; for he displayed
the [964 C] power of his eloquence in forensic contests
on behalf of the wronged.
But envy cut off these bright hopes by snatching away
the poor lad from life. Now Macrina was not ignorant
of her father's schemes. But when the plan formed
for her was shattered by the young man's death, she
said her father's intention was equivalent to a marriage,
and resolved to remain single henceforward, just as
if the intention had become accomplished fact. And
indeed her determination was more steadfast than could
have been expected from her age. For when her parents
brought proposals of marriage to her, as often happened
owing to the number of suitors that came attracted
by the fame of her beauty, she would say that it was
absurd and unlawful not to be faithful to the marriage
that had been arranged for her by her father, but
to be compelled to consider another ; since in the
nature of things there was but one marriage, as there
is one birth and one death. She persisted that the
man who had been linked to her by her [964 D] parents'
arrangement was not dead, but that she considered
him who lived to God, thanks to the hope of the resurrection,
to be absent only, not dead; it was wrong not to keep
faith with the bridegroom who was away.
With such words repelling those who tried to talk
her over, she settled on one safeguard of her good
resolution, in a resolve not to be separated from
her mother even for a moment of time. So that her
mother would often say that she had carried the rest
of her children in her womb for a definite time, but
that Macrina she bore always, since in a sense she
ever carried her about. But the daughter's companionship
was not a burden to her mother' nor profitless. For
the attentions received from her daughter were worth
those [966 A] of many maidservants, and the benefits
were mutual. For the mother looked after the girl's
soul, and the girl looked after her mother's body,
and in all respects fulfilled the required services,
even going so far as to prepare meals for her mother
with her own hands. Not that she made this her chief
business. But after she had anointed her hands by
the performance of religious duties- for she deemed
that zeal for this was consistent with the principles
of her life-in the time that was left she prepared
food for her mother by her own toil. And not only
this, but she helped her mother to bear her burden
of responsibilities. For she had four sons and five
daughters, and paid taxes to three different governors,
since her property was scattered in as many districts.
In consequence [966 B] her mother was distracted with
various anxieties, for her father had by this time
departed this life. In all these matters she shared
her mother's toils, dividing her cares with her, and
lightening her heavy load of sorrows. At one and the
same time, thanks to her mother's guardianship, she
was keeping her own life blameless, so that her mother's
eye both directed and witnessed all she did ; and
also by her own life she instructed her mother greatly,
leading her to the same mark, that of philosophy I
mean, and gradually drawing her on to the immaterial
and more perfect life.
When the mother had arranged excellent marriages for
the other sisters, such as was best in each case,
Macrina's brother, the great Basil, returned after
his long period of [966 C] education, already a practised
rhetorician. He was puffed up beyond measure with
the pride of oratory and looked down on the local
dignitaries, excelling in his own estimation all the
men of leading and position. Nevertheless Macrina
took him in hand, and with such speed did she draw
him also toward the mark of philosophy that he forsook
the glories of this world and despised fame gained
by speaking, and deserted it for this busy life where
one toils with one's hands. His renunciation of property
was complete, lest anything should impede the life
of virtue. But, indeed, his life and the subsequent
acts, by which he became renowned throughout the world
and put into the shade all those who have won renown
for their virtue, would [966 D ]need a long description
and much time. But I must divert my tale to its appointed
Now that all the distractions of the material life
had been removed, Macrina persuaded her mother to
give up her ordinary life and all showy style of living
and the services of domestics to which she had been
accustomed before, and bring her point of view down
to that of the masses, and to share the life of the
maids, treating all her slave girls and menials as
if they were sisters and belonged to the same rank
as herself.
But at this point I should like to insert a short
parenthesis in my narrative and not to pass over unrelated
such a matter as the following, in which the lofty
character of the maiden is displayed.
The second of the four brothers, Naucratius by name,
who came next after the great Basil, excelled the
rest in natural endowments and physical beauty, in
strength, speed and ability to turn his hand to anything.
When [968 A] he had reached his twentyfirst year,
and had given such demonstration of his studies by
speaking in public, that the whole audience in the
theatre was thrilled, he was led by a divine providence
to despise all that was already in his grasp, and
drawn by an irresistible impulse went off to a life
of solitude and poverty. He took nothing with him
but himself, save that one of the servants named Chrysapius
followed him, because of the affection he had towards
his master and the intention he had formed to lead
the same life. So he lived by himself, having found
a solitary spot on the banks of the Iris-a river flowing
through the midst of Pontus. It rises actually in
Armenia, passes through our parts, and discharges
its stream into the [968 B] Black Sea. By it the young
man found a place with a luxuriant growth of trees
and a hill nestling under the mass of the overhanging
mountain. There he lived far removed from the noises
of the city and the distractions that surround the
lives both of the soldier and the pleader in the law
courts. Having thus freed himself from the din of
cares that impedes man's higher life, with his own
hands he looked after some old people who were living
in poverty and feebleness, considering it appropriate
to his mode of life to make such a work his care.
So the generous youth would go on fishing expeditions,
and since he was expert in every form of sport, he
provided food to his grateful clients by this means.
And at the same time by such exercises he was taming
his own manhood.
Besides this, he also gladly obeyed his mother's wishes
whenever she issued a command. And so in these two
ways he guided his life, [968 C] subduing his youthful
nature by toils and caring assiduously for his mother,
and thus keeping the divine commands he was travelling
home to God.
In this manner he completed the fifth year of his
life as a philosopher, by which he made his mother
happy, both by the way in which he adorned his own
life by continence, and by the devotion of all his
powers to do the will of her that bore him.
Then there fell on the mother a grievous and tragic
affliction, contrived, I think, by the Adversary,
which brought trouble and mourning upon all the family.
For he was snatched suddenly away from life. No previous
sickness had prepared them for the blow, nor did any
of the usual and wellknown mischances bring death
upon the young man. [968 D] Having started out on
one of the expeditions, by which he provided necessaries
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