

History of EOC


Tomorrow, June 3, the Orthodox Church of Estonia (OCE) will convene for its ordinary General Assembly in the Transfiguration Church of Tallinn.
The General Assembly of the OCE starts with the divine liturgy headed by His Eminence, Metropolitan Stephanos of Tallinn and All Estonia.

On the agenda of the General Assembly there are the speech by the Metropolitan, the confirmation of the year economic report, the internal regional structure of the Church and the economic plan of the Church. A new Church Administration and auting committee are elected on the General Assembly.

The forthcoming General Assembly is the first after the adoption of new statutes. The OCE adopted new statutes on October 27, replacing the old ones dating from 1935. The statutes were brought into harmony with new law on Churches and parishes.

In his speech, Metropolitan Stephanos stresses the work done between the two General Assemblies for the development of the Church and draws attention to the elderly people in the Church, both clergy and lay. Especially, he marked things connected with the new statutes: ‘I can state with satisfaction that the new statutes work well in the consciousness of our Church’, Metropolitan Stephanos said.

‘The present day shows that nobody is tarrying on the way: you are all here and you wish a future for our Church’.

Touching on the structural matters of the Church, Metropolitan Stephanos told the participants in the General Assembly, ‘I expect a responsible attitude from all of you, because it is our duty to build a firm base for our Church, a base that would warrant its stable development in future. Let those people, who knock on the door of our Church, find help and support. Let us always find strength to awake a new spring of the preaching the good news in our parishes.’

The Orthodox Church of Estonia is an autonomous local Church acting on the basis of the 1923 tomos of the Oecumenical Patriarch. The General Assembly of the OCE is the general meeting of the Church.

Jaan J. Leppik

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